Simone Scagnelli

Prof. Dott. Simone Scagnelli

Of Counsel

Location of firm: Torino

Activities in university

Associate Professor of Accounting, School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia.




Bilanci integrati sotto osservazione

PRESS del Consiglio Nazionale

The role played by academic entrepreneurs in science-based companies

Paper under review for presentation at 2nd Annual EuroMed Conference, Salerno, September 26-28, 2009 (conference paper).

Does the Presence of Academic People in Companies’ Boards Influence Economic Performances? Evidence From Companies Grown in University Incubators (UIs)

Paper selected for presentation at the 4th European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Antrwerp, September 10-11, 2009 (conference paper).

Behaviuors of ethical certified entities, a taxonomy proposal

Paper presented at the European Accounting Association 31st Annual Conference, Tampere, May 2009 (conference paper).

IAS 8 Accounting policies, Changes in accounting estimates and Errors

Chapter in “IFRS Guide”, Wolters Kluwer, Milano, 2009 (forthcoming winter 2009).

Accounting and Financial Statement

Edizioni Celid, Turin, 2008 (book).

Business and Management

Edizioni Celid, Turin, 2009 (book).

Behavioural models of Italian ethical certified entities, a research study

Economia Aziendale 2000, issue 1/2009 (journal article).

Verifiche degli aspetti organizzativi e strategici legati all'ICT

In Contabilità, Finanza e Controllo, 31, november 2008 (journal article).

Informative volontaire et entreprises étiques: conduites en Italie

Paper presented at «Developpement Durable, Responsabilite Sociale Des Organisations Et Performances Economiques: Bilan, Enjeux Et Perspectives», Marrakech, 12-15 November 2008 (conference paper).

Le imprese ICT e la crisi finanziaria

In Il Sole 24Ore .ICT, November 2008 (journal article).

La performance economico-finanziaria delle società di software e servizi

In “Ricerca annuale sul mercato del software e servizi in Italia” Assintel-Confcommercio, Milan, 2008 (contribution in a book).

Come calcolare il ritorno degli investimenti ICT, ROI, NPV, e payback

Computer Business Review, Milano, 2007 (book).

Il business plan - capitolo 8

In AA.VV “Basilea 2, profili applicativi, vincoli e opportunità per le imprese” GDS Eutekne, Turin, 2006 (contribution in a book).

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