LS Lexjus Sinacta
LS Lexjus Sinacta is a national professional association of lawyers, tax advisor and chartered professional accountants that combines the special expertise of professionals practicing in their own region or country for over 40 years.
The idea of the founding partners was to draw on different professional backgrounds attracting top talent from across the country with the goal of offering clients specialised expertise in different areas.
Roots and integration
The deep ties to the region, and the independence and autonomy of the 180 lawyers, tax advisor and chartered professional accountants are designed to produce comprehensive professional synergy.
Accordingly, the distinguishing feature of LS is that it brings together the best tradition of a direct and close relationship with the client and competence building, and multiplication of consulting solutions tailored at a high level required in complex modern situations.
Listening to the client, providing the client a clear and timely response, preparing and coordinating a focused and competitive strategy with mutual confidence, including in foreign jurisdictions, make up the professional creed of all the professional colleagues of LS, who through their association share knowledge and practices through the development of a common legal and economic culture and practice methodology.
• has placed emphasis on the working Group as a place for exchanging and comparing experiences concerning complex legal and tax matters and their ongoing evolution;
• periodically organizes study and continuing education meetings for all its colleagues.
The idea of the founding partners was to draw on different professional backgrounds attracting top talent from across the country with the goal of offering clients specialised expertise in different areas.
Roots and integration
The deep ties to the region, and the independence and autonomy of the 180 lawyers, tax advisor and chartered professional accountants are designed to produce comprehensive professional synergy.
Accordingly, the distinguishing feature of LS is that it brings together the best tradition of a direct and close relationship with the client and competence building, and multiplication of consulting solutions tailored at a high level required in complex modern situations.
Listening to the client, providing the client a clear and timely response, preparing and coordinating a focused and competitive strategy with mutual confidence, including in foreign jurisdictions, make up the professional creed of all the professional colleagues of LS, who through their association share knowledge and practices through the development of a common legal and economic culture and practice methodology.
• has placed emphasis on the working Group as a place for exchanging and comparing experiences concerning complex legal and tax matters and their ongoing evolution;
• periodically organizes study and continuing education meetings for all its colleagues.