LS Lexjus Sinacta Desk

LS Lexjus Sinacta Desk España

The LS Lexjus Sinacta Spain Desk is made up of a team of multidisciplinary professionals - lawyers and chartered accountants - providing activities of service and consulting to Spanish businesses operating in Italy or interested in entering into and operating in the Italian market.
The Firm’s main clients operate primarily in the sectors of hotel tourism, real estate development, investment and management, IT services and the food and wine industry.
The professionals working on the Spain Desk provide professional consulting to companies in ordinary (civil/fiscal/tax, contractual, assistance in civil and tax litigation) as well as extraordinary (acquisition/business combinations/mergers) matters.
The Spain Desk maintains strong professional relations with the leading law and tax firms in Madrid, Barcelona and in the LATAM area, ensuring the provision of localized assistance to Italian companies interested in Iberian and Latinamerican markets.
The professionals on the Desk also work regularly in Spanish
Milan: avv. Vincenzo Timpano – – - +39 02 583401
Bologna: dott. Franco Finocchi – g - +39 051 6176711

LS Lexjus Sinacta Desk United Arab Emirates

The Desk is made up of a multidisciplinary group of professionals who carry out assistance and consultancy activities in favor of Italian companies interested in operating in the territories of the Gulf countries (Saudi Arabia, Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman).
This is a strategic area in constant growth, with significant public and private investments, strong interest in attracting foreign companies and great attention to "made in Italy".
The Desk carries out market analyzes and scouting of opportunities, legal and corporate assistance in starting the business on site, business development, project management, selection of commercial partners, as well as ordinary consultancy (civil/fiscal/tax, contractual, assistance in litigation civil and tax) as well as extraordinary ones (acquisitions/aggregations/mergers) through consolidated professional collaboration relationships with leading law and tax firms active locally.
The professionals usually work in Italian and English, and if necessary, can be assisted by native Arabic-speaking consultants.
LS Lexjus Sinacta operates in the area with the partner "Italia Camp Dubai Hub for Made in Italy".
Roberto Tombolesi –

FOCUS PMI é un progetto promosso da LS Lexjus Sinacta

Osservatorio annuale sulle Piccole e Medie Imprese Italiane

Focus PMI